Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Those Global Warming emails

Here is a raucious interview on FoxNews concerning Global Warming and the recent unearthing of a treasure trove of emails between the "peers" of the Global Warming scientific establishment. Mr. Begley, who is being interviewed, goes ape when challenged about the emails. His reaction is that of a religious cultist whose pet belief has been debunked before his very eyes.

Begley's insistence on "peer review" is an attempt to keep the "scholars union" in charge of the debate. Like the Catholic Church during the time of the Inquisition, only "approved facts" are allowed to be doled out to the masses by those who are the anointed gatekeepers of information.

Read this story which contains one email that pretty well lets the cat out of the bag.

If you watched the video with Begley insisting on "peer review" as the basic standard of truth, you cannot help but notice that in the link cite above, the email sender explicitly states that he will "change the peer review" to eliminate a critic. In case you missed it, here is the quote:

"From Phil Jones To: Michael Mann (Pennsylvania State University). July 8, 2004
“I can’t see either of these [global warming-denying] papers being in the next IPCC report. Kevin and I will keep them out somehow — even if we have to redefine what the peer-review literature is!”

What we really find from the leaked emails is that the "peers" are just a bunch of scammers with a globalist political agenda who are not going to let anyone - or any facts - get in their way of promoting their pet myth of global warming. Perhaps they are trying to maintain cushy jobs, spending someone else's money in bogus research. Hey, it's all for the faith, isn't it? Their methods of keeping the lid on are plain to see from their emails. Just remember: "No lie is of the Truth."

Their computer models predict just what they want them to predict – global warming. And when they don't predict what they want to prove, then they suppress the data - or manufacture data and jettison the real data - and persecute those who want an open debate about the meaning of the facts. Unfortunately for them, the Earth’s climate does not cooperate.

Beware of any calls for “peer review.” In the best of times it helps to debunk bad thinking and poor methodology in scientific inquiry, but in these "politically correct" times climate change has fallen under the control of political cranks and just plain Liberal Ideologues. The Truth has been dumped in a trash can in the back alley. Only PC allowed here, sir!

Don’t hand your conscience or good sense over to some stuffed shirt with a PhD who claims to “know all.” Submit their pompous claims to the “sniff test.” If it stinks of totalitarianism, it fails. If it calls for big government – over which you will no longer have any control at all – a big government to come into your life and start ordering you around, or taxing your choices of food, drink, cars, jobs – health care – then be rightly suspicious of their motives. Nothing is more addictive to a Liberal with a guilty conscience than giving him power over other people to tell them how to live.

And that is what this is all about – power.

In an attempt to deflect the uproar over the hacked emails, the author Aaron Weiner published a summary of the horror stories supposedly happening under our noses. "The Best Reason to Ignore ‘Climategate’: The Climate Really Is Changing."  I perceive that his "data" is essentially a rehash of Global Warming conventional wisdom, presented to promote hysteria. Whatever might be happening to the ice caps, the seal level, etc. has been reversed in the past few years with a re-cooling of the earth; that is, what is happening is not global warming, rather it is global cooling. How's that for a really good computer model? Shouldn't we be a few feet under water by now?

Dr. Larry Vardiman, of the Creation Research Institute, an organization I know and trust, published several fascinating articles which point to some evidences of a climate change, but one that is not driven by carbon dioxide, but by fluctuations in the Sun's magnetic field. There are two articles: Does Carbon Dioxide Drive Global Warming? and "A New Theory of Climate Change."

A more recent article on the proposed "cap and trade" legislation helps to put the whole carbon-myth into perspecive. Energy Bill Won't Solve Global Warming, by Brian Thomas, M.S.

Clearly, it is not carbon dioxide that is the culprit - in fact rather than leading it, the CO2 curve lags behind the fluctuations in cosmic ray influx. Therefore CO2 is not the driving element. So much for having a justification to forcibly control all CO2 emissions of mankind. So much for Cap and Trade. So much for Copenhagen. So much for the "need" for Global Governance. So much for the hysteria that is driving the whole agenda of the Globalists.

Ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free.

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