Saturday, November 21, 2009

Suburban Denver billboard links Obama with jihadists -- South Florida

Suburban Denver billboard links Obama with jihadists -- South Florida

We need more "free speech" like this. It brings an issue to our minds that most people don’t even want to think about because of the thunderous implications: the possible ineligibility of Obama to be president due to his being born in Kenya, not the US. The billboard cheers some and chills others. It is "offensive" and some want to have it removed, but what good is free speech if it can only be used to cheer on the "administration du jour"?

Of the many uses of free speech, the First Amendment was crafted first of all to protect political speech, which had been targeted by the British as they oppressed the American colonies. Newspapers were seized, editors imprisoned, and publications destroyed. The British were attempting to keep the lid on a boiling pot of public sentiment. It is the “same old, same old” today.

It is noteworthy that the Obama administration is stealthily tightening the noose of free speech by instituting new FCC rules for broadcast media, with the ostensible intention of making broadcast speech "more balanced" - forcing a version of the "fairness doctrine" onto stations. It is not intended to do that; it is planned to shut out the Rush Limbaughs of the world, to cut off the Hannitys, to force conservative talk radio and TV into oblivion. But the people want to hear them; otherwise they would have been starved out of existence by the lack of listenership. Liberal radio and TV operates at a loss all the time. Does that tell you anything? Liberal National Public Radio (NPR) would never survive if they had to compete on a level playing field with commercial broadcasting. They have to be subsidized so their Liberal point of view - shows like "Fresh Air" (what a misnomer!) - could be heard.

The rise of the Alternate Media - specifically Cable and Internet - has effectively broken the stranglehold that the Old Media (TV Networks and Major Newspapers) had on the promulgation and formation of people's opinions about events. It can be honestly said that we lost the Vietnam War because of the impact that the TV network reporting that turned the people against the War. It even influenced President Johnson. There was no counterbalancing opinion allowed on the air, so we only heard one side.

That Media has been increasingly eclipsed by the Alternates. In fact, the Alternates have been so successful that they have earned the undying enmity of the ruling elites who have observed their control being threatened by the free opinions and investigative reporting that incessantly exposes them. Witness the Acorn debacle that exploded when two individuals secretly filmed Acorn employees advising them how to break the law. This bold journalism exposed the bankruptcy and complicity of the Main Stream Media (MSM) for not only not following up on incessant charges that Acorn was not only engaging in illegal activity, but also using tax dollars to serve the exclusive interests of the Democrat Party, but for participating in a coverup themselves. The MSM and the ones they serve – the Elites - have not had to endure such scrutiny for almost seventy five years and they plan to strike back.

The alternative media, especially the Internet, are in for a shakeup. Google is now in bed with Obama (perhaps literally) after practicing with the Chinese in controlling the internet. They are honing their skills by practicing on politically-incorrect websites. Google and Microsoft and a host of other major players in the internet industry have enthusiastically endorsed the concept of "net neutrality" enforced by US government regulation.

I cannot imagine a more scurrilous concept than the US Government - with all the ill intentions in the world toward shutting down free speech - getting involved in "regulating" the net with the “help” of Google and Microsoft and other big players. Guess what will be "regulated" out of existence? You guessed it - free speech that threatens the Elites' agenda.

This Obama administration is built on lies, so they have every reason to prevent the free interchange of ideas. Are errors and foolish, even hurtful things published on the internet? Of course, but we cannot allow the baby to be thrown out with the bathwater.

Consider: one really good exposure has the possibility of bringing it all down in one swoop - if the truth can be gotten convincingly into enough people's hands. Pray God that he will "sweep away the refuge of lies." Is 28:17

That's why we need free speech, not censorship.

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