Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Nationalized HealthCare: The Ultimate Political Weed

Discussing the Democrat's passion for passing HealthCare "reform" on several FB links, it has become obvious, to me at least, that they are not really suicidal. They are more like the "little engine that could", chugging away up a steep incline. All they have to do is get over the top, and it is a clear run without effort down the other side.

I think I know the reason why the Democrats are so single-minded and determined to get this "healthcare reform" bill rammed through.

Their zeal has little or nothing to do with "healthcare" per se: It has to do with installing a monolithic nationalized system that will make constituents out of a larger and larger group of citizens so they can be controlled by the Democrats or their Socialist successors. This is a power grab of monumental proportions that is intended to be one-way.

Where this has been done in other countries, it is virtually impossible to root it out. It is the ultimate political weed.

Daniel Hannon, MP from the south of England, has made numerous speeches in the US warning us of the perils of going down this path. He describes it as one-way also. It becomes "necessary" and therefore "unthinkable" to vote out because it employs such a huge percentage of the workforce. They simply won't vote themselves out of a job.

Note also the card-check legislation which is worming its way through Congress at this time. That is a tool to force the unionization of virtually all of American employment. That, plus the medical union which is sure to follow, will hand our entire economy and our personal lives over to union thugs who can reward or punish supporters or opposition as they see fit.

Can you imagine writing articles about the abuses of a socialized medical establishment, only to find out that your cancer operation is unaccountably postponed for the third time since it was discovered twelve months ago? Now, since there are no free-market medical facilities available anywhere else on the American continents (North and South), you are coming to resign yourself to the realization that you should have kept your mouth shut. You are in a trap and there is no escape.

Even though the looming mid-term elections seem to portend a disaster for the Democrats - they are determinedly pressing ahead anyway. Perhaps it is because a "Fix" is already in.

The Obama power brokers may have by now installed enough Socialist thugs as Czars, and upper and mid-level bureaucratic functionaries in our government, that they feel relatively impervious to future efforts to dislodge them by efforts of elected officials of whatever stripe. It would make good sense for them to deliberately over reach in the first year of Obama's administration so that even when there is a pushback, they will have won a huge step forward that cannot be undone. Bureaucrats, once installed, have a long influence. Never underestimate the staying power of the Bureaucracy. That was a major negative influence that acted as a "sheet anchor" against Ronald Reagan's reforms.

The answer, just in case it plays out this way, is to defund them at the Federal and State levels once we retake the government reins. Just radically defund all the unconstitutional agencies at once. The resulting confusion will be enormous, but by the end of a year or two, the rebound from stifling regulation and wealth confiscation will lead to the biggest, healthiest peacetime economic boom that this country has ever seen.

And, for good measure, vigorously pursue the trail of trillions of dollars that have passed through the hands of the Obamites. I predict that they have already siphoned off hundreds of billions into their pet projects, or just stashed it for future use.This gang of criminals must be held accountable.

The ultimate political weed cannot be allowed to contiue to grow in our political system or to spread catstrophically as it has begun to do. We need to encourage the ultimate political weed-killer - Liberty - to take root again. It once grew all over this great nation. May it do so again.

1 comment:

  1. Well stated without pulling any punches. There's a youtube video out, a young woman with singing, There's a communist in the white house. It's supposed to be funny; but the weeds which are being planted in every piece of legislation prove it to be true. This is a take over of our government from the inside out and it will affect almost every aspect of life as we know it.
