Sunday, November 8, 2009

Representative Paul Ryan in HealthCare Debate

Rep Paul Ryan is a dynamic speaker, a Republican from Wisconsin, and a supporter of some free-market ideas for reform of our national health care system. Unfortunately, he buys into continued Socialist concepts, such as the government paying for "insurance" for certain classes of the population. His plan is a mix of some free market ideas and socialism dressed up in compassionate garb. I am researching his positions for more detail, and I don’t want to unfairly or dishonestly characterize his stands, but at the present time, I am not going to support what he wants to do.

My position is that I feel that we need to pull back the throttles on our federal government Socialism - not crashing the plane with a too-sudden change in flight plan, but putting us on a glide-slope to a landing with the goal that the Federal Government has no part to play in medical care (or any redistributionist plan) for ANY citizen. That might take a decade, but it has to be the goal. Otherwise, we just perpetuate unconstitutional activities and never address the underlying moral issue: government redistribution of wealth for such reasons is fundamentally wrong and at variance with our principles at a people.

If anyone has any specific thoughts to add to this, post them on this blog. I am operating on a first look at his simplified health care proposal and have not delved into the details. Perhaps he has a "glide slope" concept built in. I would hate to set my self against a friend.

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