Sunday, May 2, 2010

17 illegals captured in search for deputy shooters (

17 illegals captured in search for deputy shooters (

Obviously, all the hoopla about civil rights of illegals is intended to obscure the fact that it is American's civil rights that are being systematically violated by the US Congress and exccutive branch. We have a constitutional right to be "secure in our persons and property".

That phrase is intended to refer to security from our own government. But it extends not only to acts - or failures to act - by that same government to secure our borders. That right is worthless if our citizens are besieged by illegals running our streets and neighborhoods, kidnapping our citizens for ransom, killing police officers trying to do their duty, tjhreatening or bribing government officials as have they done in Mexico, and extending the tentacles of their operations further and further into heartland USA.

I am far less concerned with the civil rights of a bunch of illegals than I am about the security of our country.

And all this talk of "amnesty" for those already present in the country - bull! Let them all go home, or be forcibly rounded up and deported after being permanently ID'd. If they want to become citizens, let them enter by the front door and adhere to our laws for naturalization - not crash the gate and expect to be rewarded for it.

It was a mistake to "legalize" the illegals before, and it is doubly a mistake now. Any congressman or senator who supports this kind on non-fix to the problem is announcing their intellectual and moral bankruptcy.

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