Saturday, April 17, 2010

Bill Clinton and the Tea Parties

Last week (April 16, 2010) Bill Clinton addressed some public gathering and ominously drew a parallel between what he and Janet Reno did in murdering the hapless Branch Davidians at Waco and the Tea Party movement. He commented that "words matter" indicating that violence could be incited by what he characterized as the overheated rhetoric of the tea Parties.

Interestingly, this was from the man who quibbled over the meaning of "is" to defend himself from perjury. "Words matter", Mr. Clinton? To you they evidently don't. But we take them very seriously indeed, especially the words of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence. We intend to see that our goverrment is re-anchored in them again.

This push-back is evidence that the Progressives are desperately afraid they are on the losing end of this fight. In my lifetime, I have never seen such vitreol over ordinary citizens speaking up and getting involved. Make no mistake. Clinton and Obams's recent words about the movement are an attempt to squelch it.

One strange thing about this movement that clicked for me recently. To put you where I am: I am a former SDS member from the sixties, and an advocate for "Power to the People," until I learned just who the "people" were that I was trying to empower. Since then I became an evangelical Christian, and I see the world clearly now.

The Tea Party movement so far has been a revealing expose of the Main Stream Media (MSM) and its reaction to Conservative protests. I think that many of us went into the tea party movement thinking that we could impact the government the way the radicals of the sixties did with their demonstrations, and street protests, etc. Back then, and since then, every time some Liberal or “progressive” crap philosophy has been espoused by public demonstrations, it has received sympathetic and usually over the top exposure from the media. There was a “million man march” several years ago that was a complete fizzle, but the media played it up like half the country showed up.

When we had the capital packed out before Thanksgiving (I think it was) there had to be several million people there: wall to wall people. Media estimates: 50,000. Talk about misrepresenting what went on!

The moral of the story is that people like me who grew up in the Sixties learned that if you wanted to change the world, you protested publicly. The media would pick up on it and we would achieve something. Well, that lesson is even being taught in schools today, but there is one important caveat which many of us naïve tea party folks overlooked: that example of demonstrations only works if it is Marxist or Progressive subjects that are being advocated by the protestors. If they happen to be Traditional, Conservative Americans – a la Tea Party citizens – well! That cannot be accepted! They are counter-revolutionary! They are trying to reverse what has been “achieved” by the Left-culture, and hence it is slandered, ridiculed, opposed, ignored, lied about, diminished, threatened, refused permits, insulted, high-jacked (attempts), infiltrated, mis-characterized, and even painted darkly as a menace to our freedoms and accused of being part of some para-military group. Why do you think they trotted out Bill Clinton the other night to talk about Waco? To remind us what he and Janet Reno did to the Koresh cult people who just wanted to be left alone. Don’t miss that: it was a threat.

So the moral of the story is: the Left controls the (diminishing) main stream media and use it to slap down, if they can, any resurgence of Americanism. That is why the Tea Parties have seen such opposition. The Sixties radicals became “cool” very quickly. Not so the Tea Parties – they get more “un-cool” every day in the MSM. Nevertheless, thanks to the internet, FB, Fox and other venues, the movement continues to flourish and grow. We have done an end-run around MSM. Citizens are not intimidated any more. We are more and more angered and hardened by the self-styled arrogant “rulers” and their MSM media lapdogs.

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