Monday, May 31, 2010

The Gulf Oil Spill - A Political Red Herring

I wonder what happened to the healthcare debate? Implementation is rapidly underway right now with not one voice raised in opposition or exposure of its noxious consequences. I wonder what happened to the card-check legislation? I wonder what has happened to the attempt by the police and firefighters union to take over all such unions at a Federal level?

Aren't there more important things going on in the background than the oil spill? What, indeed, can be done by the news media endlessly repeating what they don't know, or worse yet, parading an array of lawyers and other neer-do-wells across the screen in an endless cacophony of blame and counter-blame, all before any facts are on the table?

FoxNews coverage has been especially disappointing in this regard. I expect the lame-stream-media (LSM) to constantly harp on anti-capitalist and leftwing environmentalist themes, but I had hoped that Fox was more insightful than that. They are part of the media feeding frenzy centered on BP, even though real facts are not on the table. Beck might be on to this issue in its true ramifications and of course Rush, but the main FoxNews coverage has been fawningly similar to the LSM. I turned it off today.

I, for one, am intensely interested in what forensic evidence can be gleaned from the now sunken wreck of the drilling platform. Despite the incessant innuendo concerning BP's "poor safety record" I have not seen or heard any facts concerning the drill ship that would convince me that the event was even an accident. How could such an explosion occur, with oil jetting up onto the rig and burning? There had to be a breach of the pipeline below the blowout preventer. We know that because the X-rays of the preventer, taken while it is still lying on the bottom, show that it is closed. Strange, is it not? If it closed, then why an explosion? If the battery backup that everyone has been speaking of was defective, then how did the preventer get closed in the first place? Did it close using the fail-safe circuits that were still operational before or during the explosion? Then whence the pipeline breach? If the preventor did not close as part of the emergency - and it is a fact that it is now closed - then how did it get closed? Perhaps the explosion was "man caused" as the current political PC-speak would have it. I want to know, and see the real guilty parties brought to justice. And I am not referring to BP or their contractors.

Maybe we need a "Pelican Brief" to expose what really happened.

Obama is not helping resolve this oil situation either. With his claim of the oil spill being an "assault on our shores," he seems to be deliberately dragging military terminology - perhaps ghosts of Normandy - before our minds, but he almost certainly does not intend any allusion to the Islamic assault on our shores that is definitely underway, or an assault on our borders from the south - especially through Arizona. That brave state is fighting for its life against both the illegals and the Washington see-no-evil crowd of globalists. He seems to deliberately major on the minors when he calls the oil spill an "assault."

I think that the oil spill, as I said in an earlier blog article, is a god-send for Obama - suspiciously timed and way too convenient, as it has acted to knock almost everything else off the table of national political discourse in favor of the oil and its "dreadful consequences."

Some might point to the "hits" he is taking because of the failure to stop the leak, but that is not a valid criticism, and almost everybody recognizes that he cannot do anything about it. But it helps that he stirs things up with comments like "stop that damn leak" implying that he cares. I think that if he can keep it on the front burner, even if some in his own party vilify him, he gains because he is keeping other things - substantive things - out of the attention of the public.

And concerning the extent of this "disaster:, recently I caught just a fragment of a report that "30 acres of marshland has been impacted by the spill." Well that certainly sounds like a disaster to me! After all, there must be hundreds of thousands of acres of precious marshland along the coastline and we are hyperventilating about thirty acres? Disaster? What disaster?

This oil spill, whether accidental or not (and I am deeply suspicious that it is not an accident but a contrived event to do precisely what it is doing) is keeping important political revelations out of the news in the pre-election season. It has silenced Sarah Palin for all intents and purposes, and it is dampening the fires of political discourse in the conservative movement, which for the most part is pro-drilling and pro-exploration. People have been set back on their heels by this much-trumpeted "disaster."

It is as if the wind has been taken out of our sails. It is just a bit too convenient in its import and its timing - and results. I call it a political red herring. It is an ongoing drama drawn across the path of our thinking with the intent to deflect us off the trail of the socialist makeover that is underway.The implications of this being a deliberate event are as serious as Obama being a natural citizen of Kenya or Indonesia,  and not the United States. It needs a full forsensic investigation and open results. For that reason the Federal Govenement must be kept out of it as much as possible and impartial investigaors used. The fox must not be allowed to guard the henhouse.

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