Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Gulf Oil Spill - A Crude Coincidence?

The linked article - please read it - makes an excellent point: the timing of the explosion on the oil rig is just too convenient for Obama and his environmentalist wackos. I would place my bets on sabotage, but I am not very hopeful that this can be proven, what with the loss of life and the destruction of the evidence. Perhaps someone will come forth who was on the rig and has some real knowledge of what happened.

This I know: the oil industry has a long and successful history of managing risk. Like the coal mining industry, of which I have been a part, a hostile and dangerous environment is made livable by human ingenuity. Without solid irrefutable proof, I am not willing to believe that there has been any engineering failure. The circumstances surrounding the ongoing behavior of the Obama regime lead me to strongly suspect that this was a "man-caused" disaster - eco terrorism on the highest level - and encouraged, if not carried out, by the agents of this regime under deep cover. If the explosion was caused by an act of man, then there will be a way of gathering up some pre-explosion evidence. Were there any new employees on the rig the day of the explosion? Are there satellite iimages - or logs - of any submarine vessel activity in the rig's vicinity just prior to the "accident"? Are there persons who know what happened who can put forth some facts? Why hasn't the rescued crew been deposed? What did they have to say about the explosion and its cause? Why is no one asking these questions?

The recent explosion in the West Virginia Coal mine is another suspicious occurrence. Perhaps another incident of sabotage? Who can tell? Will enyone investigate?

I predict that there will be another major energy sector disaster in the near future - nuclear pehaps - that will establish the predicate for a call for a government regulatory takeover of all energy producing portions of the economy.

If you watch what this regime is doing, not what they are saying, the pattern is disturbingly clear. They create a disater or crisis, then they exploit it to increase goernment control. Once this regime took power, they financed themselves with the TARP and other stimulus expenditures. The accounting of that money will never be done because I suspect it went down a lot of Liberal rat holes to buy elections or reward supporters of Obama.

Then came the "healthcare" debacle, which is nothing short of a takeover of the entire health system, including mandatory power to enlist non-conforming doctors into the military, stripping them of their civil rights, and forcing them to work for the system upon pain of imprisonment or worse.

Now we have Financial sector "reform" under debate - another 1000 to 1500 pages of regulations that no one in Congress has any interest in reading, and which is being shepherded through by Pelosi and Reid according to the Obamacare pattern, without substantive debate. This bill is not about helping prevent disasters - the market will do an excellent job of regulating that - no, this is an insider's protection bill, along with a takeover of the financial sectors, including monitoring and controlling every American's financial accounts. This is Big Brother on Steroids.

On the energy front, we have this oil spill, which is being spotlighted as a natural disaster, which it most certainly is, with little attention paid to how it happened. It is as if no one cares. How could a successful engineering system design with billions of experience-hours behind it fail so disastrously with no warning? Yes, it could be simply that, a failure, with no one to blame. But somehow, with this Communist agenda-driven Obama regime pulling strings at all levels, I am unconvinced there is not much more to this whole matter.

(Editors' note: It is May 14 now, and no plausible explanation has yet been offered as to how an explosion occurred on an oil rig specifically designed to make such ignitions extremely unlikely, if not impossible. As far as I have been able to determine, the explosion occurred on the rig, not underwater, as some have said.
I have more confidence in the safety of the oil rigs - and offshore drilling in general - than I have in our homeland security under the hand of Obama and his thugs. Hugo Chavez has wrecked the Venezuelan energy industry with his communist government. The cronies he put in charge don't know what they are doing, and their incompetence has brought the once-lucrrative sector of that country's economy to the point of shambles. We can expect the same if our Socialist-in-chief manage to get a strangle-hold on our Energy Sector.)

Most certainly this was a god-send to Obama, who offered the olive branch to the energy industry and a majority of the population who endorsed development of our natural resources. Two weeks ago, (was it that short a time?) Obama indicated that he would support "exploration" of the offshore oil in previously banned areas. Sounded like he was going to go for it, but his Green supporters went beserk even over that announcement.

Now enter this disaster, allowing him the moral high ground to do practically anything he wants with energy policy because drilling has proven to be so "dangerous to the environment". That is just too convenient.

I don't know how this is going to play out, but one thing is sure. Just like we did not shelve the Space Shuttle after the disaster with the Challenger (caused by the effects of junk science), but went on to complete the series of missions, just so we need to stand up and say the unsayable - drilling must go on. A thorough investigation must be done and the technical flaws, if any, corrected. Government must be locked out of the investigation. With this Regime, there is no trusting the results of any investigation since Obama has so much to gain by not reporting any embarassing facts. Our government has become the enemy of truth and the search for truth.

The author of the article to which I linked titled his piece a "Crude Coincidence." Perhaps it was not crude at all, but a very sophisticated plot to manipulate public opinion so as to achieve the aim of taking over the Energy sector, further crippling the US economy. That would fit the Marxist agenda of this Regime to a "Tee".

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