Monday, October 19, 2009

A new Paradigm

I am deeply concerned that if we wait until another election cycle rolls around it will be too late.
I appreciate the protests, but we need to take note of one important point: many of us learned from watching TV in the latter half of the twentieth century (or watched historical footage in school) that pubic “protests” were the way to affect change. From the Liberal protests we learned that politicians would roll over for us. But maybe we have been led down the wrong path by their example. Note that the causes that the protests espoused were, for the most part, LIBERAL causes, and they were covered and cheered by a largely LIBERAL media who were all too sympathetic to them.
Consider that what we have now is a CONSERVATIVE movement – a genuine grassroots movement – and it is being completely dismissed by that same LIBERAL media. Know why? Because the underlying motive of the Media all along has been to support Liberal causes. Therefore the public protests will not gain traction because they are not going to be allowed to threaten the power base of the Liberals. The old protests dislodged the old line Traditionalists. Now the centers of power are occupied by Liberals (or worse), and the media have an absolutely vested interest in keeping that power base intact.

Protests won’t work.
We need a new paradigm.

That is why I am suggesting use of whatever Recall provisions exist. They have a number of excellent features, but the most outstanding is that they can work very quickly if the citizens are motivated, and also they can fly completely under the radar of the Liberal Media, perhaps until it is too late for them to counter attack.

Perhaps, lying under decades of dust, there are other provisions in our laws and other constitutional provisions that can be used to unseat the plans of the elite. I would hate to see it come down to a genuine civil war. I think there is still time to avert violence. We need to use every peaceful means available to us.

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