Saturday, October 31, 2009

Contending for the Truth - the aborted Scozzofava Campaign

POLITICO: BREAKING: Scozzafava suspends NY 23 campaign - The Scorecard - BREAKING: Scozzafava suspends NY 23 campaign

Who should we support for political office? Those we think are likely to win? Or those of our own party? Or perhaps we should "let things take their course"? I think we have an obligation to support the Constitutionalist - Conservative candidates first and last. I am through with the "lesser of two evils". That is what got us into trouble in the first place.

But there is also an obligation on us to encourage like-minded candidates to step forth (as in Hoffman's case) instead of letting things stay in the hands of the existing Party establishment (of whatever stripe.) This NY-23 Scozzofava fizzle came out of a corrupt district Republican Party organization. After all, Hoffman was considered while they voted who to back - and they voted for her rather than him (he was the last choice!). So she was THEIR choice!!! Therefore, we must be leery of any of the existing local Republican organizations (and most certainly local Dem orgs.) I am not saying to abandon them, but rather become engaged and speak out and influence - and if necessary, run for office ourselves.

I think that Scozzofava actually resonates pretty well with many existing country-club RINO types in the Northeast. I say that because I am frequently distressed to dialog with many registered Republicans from an area that was once a bastion of Biblical Christian thought, but now has become nothing more than a Halloween caricature of an abandoned faith. How do you imagine that a major denomination can ordain open homosexuals as Bishops and not really have a major conflagration in the churches?

Again and again, it comes down to standing for the Truth, starting from a Biblical stand. If we fall for the lie we will not be able to resist the illogic of unbelief. That is why we have support for gay “marriage” and abortion among Republicans. It is the fruit of unbelief.

Our entire American Political “experiment” rests on a belief in the supernatural bestowment of rights. We are truly unique as a culture because of that. Abandon God, and you also – even without realizing it – abandon any claim to rights yourself. We won’t retain our Liberty if we neglect and abandon its Cause.

Nor will we win the “culture war” issues which are important, but secondary. We cannot successfully support the right to life of an unborn human if they are only one more animal among the many on earth.

Let the Redeemed of the Lord say so, giving an answer of the hope that lies within us. We must make the case for God's Truth. Did you know that the Opposition has no rational argument or reasoned defense against the Truth? (Rom 1:20 (the English word “excuse” is from the Greek word apologia. “A reasoned answer.”) It is like the Lord said: “their defense is departed from them.” Num 14:9 Believe it. If we fail in this, we fail in all. This is worthy of much serious consideration: no matter how daunting they might appear, they have no real answers. It is all an empty philosophy. To me, that is a very encouraging thought. We fight from a position of strength.

Our present political resurgence is encouraging, but it will come to naught if it is not properly founded. We need to really return to Biblical Truth, however unpalatable that might be to the recent generations who have been raised on intentionally-taught unbelief.

Our position is the only logical and liberating one. We need to make that case over and over and not shrink from the battle. I believe it is THE defining battle today – the battle for TRUTH. Everything else is a side show, a skirmish.

That is what I try to do. Forgive these long posts, but this is where my heart is.

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