Saturday, December 12, 2009

Republican Party first, last, and always?

In response to a FB thread comment: “I have no room on my list for third party candidates. I am only accepting those who are members and supporters of the Republican Party. Reagan was a member of the Republican Party, not the Conservative Party.”

My friend, you are entitled to feel that way, but if the Republican party does not cleanse itself of RINOs (like Reagan urged, btw), then the Conservative wing may well secede and join with many Conservative Independents and Democrats to form a new Party. I’ll be right there with them.

Frankly, I am a constitutional conservative first and a Republican second (or third). Our loyalty must be to the principles, not to a party anyway. The Republican Party has shown itself incapable of principled conservative constitutional leadership over the years since Reagan. Having seen huge wins at state and national levels, and nevertheless seen our ideals denied or frittered away or stabbed in the back, I am no longer going to trust party first.

The recent debacle in upstate New York demonstrates just how corrupt and unprincipled the Northeastern Republican party has become. The candidate put forth by the Republican Party was more liberal than the Democratic candidate. These things ought not so to be. Thank God that Hoffman stood up and announced that he would run as a Conservative Party member. (NY has a Conservative Party, unlike many states.) Had the "Republican" candidate not stabbed the Republican Party - her endorsing party by the way - in the back by turning around and endorsing the Democrat, then maybe we would have Hoffman - a genuine conservative constitutionalist - in Congress right now. We would have a dependable principled voter in Hoffman. What would we have had with the RINO?

The Democrat win was not the fault of the Hoffman people "splitting the vote" - it was a sin to be laid plainly at the door of the hapless Republican local and state committees, who themselves need to be jettisoned because they are so far steeped in anti-Republican principles that they could even think about putting forth such a rancid candidate.

I am unwilling to continue to support a Party that is either too inarticulate to defend conservatism with force and conviction against the stupidity of the Liberals, or is shot through and through with the same career politician types as the Democrats who don’t know or don’t care about the constitution or our liberty.

And you can take the “big tent” and put it where the sun does not shine. If the Republican Party becomes an “also ran” for Abortion and sodomy, then what reason does it have to exist?

There are more important and fundamental things than Party and Power. There is the simple notion of being able to go to bed each night with a good conscience and reliance on God. That ought to be enough for anyone of good intentions.

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